Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Tooniverse (Translated in Korean: 투니버스) is a South Korean channel known for broadcasting the Korean Power-Catch Wanda dub version of Kamiwaza Wanda.

Channel details[]

Tooniverse was first launched in December 1, 1995. It was owned by On-Media from 1995 to 2009 and is owned by CJ ENM from 2010 and onwards.

Tooniverse offers a variety of animations for different age groups. From 2004 to 2011, Tooniverse held an event called Toonichoice. The first Toonichoice winner was the anime series 'Inuyasha' in 2004. In the last three years of Toonichoice, 'Case Closed' became the Toonichoice winner.

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Tooniverse began broadcasting Kamiwaza Wanda under the Korean dub title Power-Catch Wanda, starting from September 2, 2016 with part 1 of the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season.

Since the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise is on hiatus, Tooniverse's broadcasting of Kamiwaza Wanda remained paused until a new season of Kamiwaza Wanda premieres in Japan.


  • Tooniverse is one of the South Korean channels known for broadcasting Kamiwaza Wanda. the other one being Cartoon Network Korea.
  • The name for Tooniverse is short for 'Cartoon Universe'.

