Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

The countryside (Japanese: 田舎 Inaka) is an unnamed location in Kamiwaza Wanda and is where Yuto gave the Promins he has so far some special training.


The countryside is a enormous outdoor place full of green trees. It has a large shrine, a large pit and a wooden sheltered platform where people can sit down and rest.

The countryside used to have a very long bridge. During episode 12, while Wanda and Turbomin cross it, the bridge was destroyed by the large pit's high winds. Yuto got the Promins to make a new replacement bridge afterwards.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Episode 12 is the only original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season episode the countryside was seen in.

At the countryside, Yuto summons the Promins he has so far for some special training. Wanda and Turbomin make a getaway and Yuto got the other Promins to chase them.

Yuto, his 2 friends, Yui and the Promins chase Wanda and Turbomin around the countryside until they stopped by a pit. After they crossed the bridge which got collasped, Wanda and Turbomin found themselves stuck on a platform in the middle of the pit so Yuto got the Promins to create a new bridge with help from Hasamin and her boyfriend Liftmin.

After Mirai, Yui, Shuu and the Promins rescue them and Turbomin using Gauzemin's bandages, Yuto and Wanda reunite.


  • The countryside is one of the known locations found in Japan but outside Tokyo.
  • This is one of the unnamed locations in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series.
  • The whole of episode 12 takes place in this location.

