Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

The construction yards (Japanese: 建設ヤード Kensetsu yādo) is an unnamed location in Kamiwaza Wanda and a location found in the Kirakira district.


The construction yards is a large yard with a golden-brown ground and white construction yard walls with a silver iron-fence on the top. It has a large sign on its construction yard wall with some Japanese Kanji lettering written in red. It also has some piles of pipes and some piles of constrution rails on it near its construction yard walls.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

The construction yards was first seen in episode 4 when, in order to rescue Wanda and Shuu, Yuto confronted, captured and debugged Bug-Railmin with help from Tonkamin and Zuzumin as well as Zuzumin's droplings.

In episode 23, Masato and Mighty chased Bug-Recordmin to the construction yards and were pulled into an underwater diamension through a puddle thanks to Bug-Divemin who was called in by the Bug Bytes.

In episode 31, Bug-Artmin went into the constrution yards, before Yuto, Wanda and the Promins do so, and painted fake versions of himself on the construction yard walls.

Known Bugmin visitors appearing in the constrution yards[]

Here are the known Bugmins who have visited the constrution yards.

Bugmin name Image Visited the construction yards in episode... Purpose
Bug Railmin
The Rail Continues Took Shuu and Wanda here on Railmin's train.
Bug Recomin
Counterattack Of The Bug Bytes Masato and Mighty chased this Bugmin to here.
Kidnapped Masato and Mighty by dragging them to an underwater dimension through a puddle.
Bug Artmin
A Surprising Big Riot! Painted fake versions of himself on the construction yard walls.


  • The construction yards is one of the locations found in the Kirakira district.
  • This is one of the known unnamed locations in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series.

In other languages[]

Language Location’s dub name
Korean 건설 야드 (The construction yards)

