The' 'Wonder-Star (Japanese: ワンダー星 Wanda Hoshi) is a location in Kamiwaza Wanda and Wanda's original home-planet. It is also the home-planet of Mighty, Nice, Amazing and all the other Wonder-Star citizens as well as its monarch the Wonder-King. It is otherwise known as the Wanda Planet.
Traits of the Wonder-Star[]
The Wonder-Star is a "-Star" planet that is the home planet of the dog-like "-Star" citizens known as Wonder-Star citizens such as the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise's titular mascot character Wanda. Like in all the other "-Star" planets and Earth, Promins can be found in the Wonder-Star.
In the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season, Don Bugdez cursed the Wonder-Star and tried to bring it into ruin, using a Bugmin invasion, but the Wonder-Star itself become completely frozen and the Bugmins retreated thanks to the Wonder-King who puts it in ice. Wanda and Mighty both think that the Wonder-Star was in ruin, with Mighty also thinking about making Earth a new home for himself and the rest of the Wonder-Star citizens by gathering up the Fact-Promins, until both of whom found out in the end of the original season that the Wonder-Star was just frozen and had to be thawed and purified using Wonder-Promin.
As revealed in the original season's 43rd episode, while the Wonder-Star was in its frozen state, all the Wonder-Star citizens, except for the Wonder-King, remained unfrozen.
The Wonder-Star is a silvery-white planet. Inside the Wonder-Star's atmosphere, the grounds are silvery-white, the buildings are silvery-white with yellowy-green lines and the sky is always blue.
Cursed Wonder-Star[]
When it was cursed by Don Bugdez, the Wonder-Star becomes black. Inside the Wonder-Star's atmosphere, the grounds are black, the building are black with green-lines, the sky is covered with dark clouds and the whole planet itself is invaded by Bugmins.
Frozen Wonder-Star[]
When it was put into ice by the Wonder-King, the Wonder-Star becomes icy-blue. Inside the Wonder-Star's atmosphere, all the buildings and grounds there are covered in ice and the sky is completely black with stars. All the Bugmins have retreated due to the Wonder-Star being put into ice. The Wonder-Star's 'frozen' appearance only appeared in the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season from the beginning of episode 1 until halfway through episode 47 when it was thawed and purified by Wonder-Promin.
List of known Wonder-Star citizens who live in the Wonder-Star[]
Name | Image | Role in Wonder-Star | Debut in episode |
Wanda | Prince of the Wonder-Star Heir to the Wonder-King's throne (Former) Yuto's Kamiwaza Teammate |
01 | |
Mighty | Wanda's long lost friend and ex-rival Heir to the Wonder-King's throne (Current) Masato's Kamiwaza Teammate |
20 | |
Nice | Independant Wonder-Star citizen Wanda's friend Shuu's Kamiwaza Teammate |
43 | |
Amazing | Independant Wonder-Star citizen Wanda's friend Mirai's Kamiwaza Teammate |
43 | |
Wonder-King | Wonder-Star's monarch Wanda's father |
01 | |
Great | Mad scientist | 38 | |
Wonder-Star scientists | Scientists working at the Wonder-Labs | 43 | |
Other Wonder-Star citizens | Ordinary citizens of the Wonder-Star | 47 |
In the series[]
Kamiwaza Wanda[]
The Wonder-Star first appeared in the beginning of episode 1 when it was cursed by Don Bugdez. Its ruler, the Wonder-King puts the the whole planet into ice whilst sending his son Wanda to Earth.
Flashbacks set in the Wonder-Star appeared in a few episodes of the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season.
In episode 47, following Don Bugdez's fate, the Wonder-Star was thawed and purified by Wonder-Promin thanks to Yuto, his 2 friends Mirai and Shuu and the 4 Kamiwaza Teammates Wanda, Nice, Amazing and Mighty who have summoned him using the 2 Kamiwaza Shakers.
- The Wonder-Star is the first location to appear in the beginning of both the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series and the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season.
- All the citizens of the Wonder-Star are based on dogs.
- The Wonder-Star is one of the locations in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series to be located in space.
- The Wonder-Star, in its frozen state during the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season until that said season's finale, has a similar trait to the Ginga Forest as of the 'Super Sentai' franchise's 1998 instalment 'Seijuu Sentai Gingaman' when it was turned to stone until the 1998 instalment's finale.
In other languages[]
Language | Location’s dub name |
Korean | 완다별 (Wonder-Byul) |
Chinese | 旺達星/旺达星 (Wonder-Xing) |