Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia
Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Sumerumin (Japanese: スメルミン) is a character in Kamiwaza Wanda and a Promin. His attribute is Wakuwaku.



Sumerumin resembles a light-purple air-freshener with a pink cover, a cyan face and red markings.

For his Bugmin ego, see: Bug-Sumerumin

As a Bugmin, the inside of his cover is coloured green.


According to the Kamiwaza Wanda fans on Twitter, Sumerumin is the most baby-looking Promin.



Sumerumin's Kamiwaza ability is to cast out nice, friendly scents for anyone and send in bad smells at bad people. As a Bugmin, he can turn the nice scents into horrid stentches.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Sumerumin made his debut as a Bugmin in episode 22 when he made the nice smells from the flowers go bad, ruining Kohinata Flower Shop for both Mirai and her parents. Bug-Sumerumin was confronted by Deodomin and Hanshamin and was then captured and debugged by Masato.

Sumerumin was first summoned by Masato in episode 24. He unleased a bad smell to stop Yuto from reaching Bug-Shugamin. However, Yuto used Burgemin to prevent Sumerumin's attack.

Sumerumin made a cameo appearance in episode 37.

In the manga[]

Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)[]

Sumerumin made his debut as a Bugmin in chapter 07 when Masato found out what's causing the bad smell to occur. Masato captures and debugs Bug-Sumerumin.

In chapter 11, Sumerumin tried to fight Don Bugdez for Masato but failed. Later, Sumerumin was recovered along with the other Promins Masato has so far by Ga-tomin.

Along with the other Promins Yuto and Masato have so far in chapter 12, Sumerumin helped Yuto, Masato, Wanda and Mighty summon Wonder-Promin.




  • Sumerumin resembles an air-freshener.


  • According to some Kamiwaza Wanda fans on Twitter, Sumerumin is described as the baby of the Promins.
  • Sumerumin's name comes from the word 'smell' as it is said the Japanese way.

In other languages[]

Language Promin’s dub name Origin
Korean 스멜본 (Smellbon) Based on the word 'smell'.
Chinese 氣味精靈/气味精灵 (Qiweijingling) Based on the word 'qiwei' (氣味/气味) which is Chinese for 'smell'.


