Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Promin-Land (Japanese: プロミンランド) is location in Kamiwaza Wanda and a training area and a playground to the Promins. It is located in Promin-World. Promins can enter this place when their Kamiwaza Pro-cards are stored into the Kamiwaza File.

A Kamiwaza Power-Shooter, such as Yuto for example, can also enter this place using the requiring Kamiwaza ability of Yumemin.

Known sporting goods and equipments[]

  • Punchbag
  • Whack-a-mole
  • Survival-test
  • Trampoline
  • Treadmill
  • Wrestling-arena
  • Roller-coaster

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Promin-Land was first mentioned by Wanda in episode 9 when he explains Yuto and Yui about a place for Promins to rest, train or even have fun in. Yui and Zuzumin were interested into listening about that place.

In episode 10, after he recaptured and debugged the 13 rebugged Bugmins as well as capturing and debugging Bug-Jetmin and Bug-Liftmin, Yuto stores all of his Kamiwaza Pro-cards into the Kamiwaza File, letting the Promins from them have fun in there.

After that, Promin-Land made several appearances in various episodes.



In other languages[]

Language Location’s dub name
Korean 프로본토지 (Probon-Land)
Chinese 普洛精靈土地/普洛精灵土地 (Projingling-Land)