Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Nicole's cottage (Japanese: ニコルのコテージ Nikōru no kotēji) is a location in Kamiwaza Wanda and is Nicole's home. It is located at the Kirakira district.


Nicole's cottage is a residental house with cream-colored walls, a red brick-wall, a light-brown roof with green borders, windows with green frames, a green door, a light-brown fence, a light-grey patio with a staircase, a garage with a green garage-door, neat green hedges and a silver mailbox.

Inside Nicole's cottage is a couple of rooms such as the living room, which is known since episode 19, and Nicole's bedroom.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Nicole's cottage was first seen in episode 19 when Mrs. Oyama felt excited to hear the news that Nicole is about to become a star on television. Mrs. Oyama then remembers that she has to pick up Mr. Oyama, Nicole's father, from the docks.

Later in Nicole's cottage, Mr. Oyama and Mrs. Oyama were worried about their daughter Nicole who was about to star on television but couldn't because of Bug-Plugmin taking control of her.


  • Nicole's cottage is the second location at the Kirakira district to have a house type.

In other languages[]

Language Location’s dub name
Korean 니콜스 코티지 (Nicole's cottage)

