Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Mr. Kohinata (Japanese: 小日向さん Kohinata-San) is a minor character in Kamiwaza Wanda and is part of Mirai's family of three. He is Mirai's father.



Mr. Kohinata is a grown-up man with brown hair. He wears a sky-blue shirt, dark-blue trousers and sometimes a red apron.


Mr. Kohinata is a French-accented florist working in the flower shop at Kirakira First Street.


In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Mr. Kohinata made his debut in episode 6 when he and his wife Mrs. Kohinata were excited to see their daughter Mirai at a singing competition.

In episode 9, Mr. Kohinata and his wife were about to sell a bouquet of flowers to an unnamed female customer. However, a pair of scissors came and destroyed the bouquet and all the other flowers in their flower shop. That shocked him and his wife.

In episode 11, Mr. Kohinata was showing his daughter Mirai a basket of flowers when all the colours of the flowers have disappeared, depressing both him and his daughter. Prior to the end of that episode, Mr. Kohinata was delighted that all the colours have got their colours back.

Mr. Kohinata made a cameo appearance in episode 14 when Bug-Senpuumin blew the flowers away.

In episode 15, Mr. Kohinata brings his daughter Mirai on a road trip along with Hiruto Kamiya with his 2 children Yuto and Yui and Mr. Tateishi with his son Shuu.

In episode 22, Mr. Kohinata and his wife couldn't believe that their flower shop was ruined by a bad smell. That happens to be the case of Bug-Sumerumin.

In episode 43, Mr. Kohinata became one of the victims to the Bugwaza abilities of Bug-Temomin and Bug-Makuramin.

Mr. Kohinata made cameo appearances in episode 46 and episode 47.

In the games[]

Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu[]

Mr. Kohinata made his video-game debut as an NPC in the 3DS game Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu.


  • Mr. Kohinata shares his French accent with Madame Cholet, a female chef Womble from the 'Wombles' franchise.
  • On a Japanese Kamiwaza Wanda fan-literature uploaded onto Pixiv by the user Hatena on March 22, 2024, it was revealed that Mr. Kohinata's initial name is Haruta (Japanese: ハルタ). (Full name: Haruta Kohinata (Japanese: 小日向 春太))

