Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Mirai (Japanese: ミライ) is another main character in Kamiwaza Wanda and is part of her own family of three. She is one of Yuto's friends. Mirai is also a Kamiwaza Power-Shooter, starting from episode 43 of the original season. She is voiced by Suzuko Mimori. Her full name is Mirai Kohinata (Japanese: 小日向 未来).



Mirai is a young girl with orange hair and brown eyes. She wears a light-yellow shirt with a pink 'M' on it, a pink sleeveless fleece, greyish-blue shorts, long black socks and cream shoes.

Sometimes, Mirai wears a stripy pink-and-yellow dress with a blue 'M' on it and a pair of pink shorts.

Young Mirai[]

When she was younger, Mirai wore a pink shirt with a white collar-lace, a red skirt, white stockings and black shoes.

Transformed Mirai[]

Transformed Mirai

Transformed Mirai

Mirai still has orange hair but in ponytails. She wears a pink dress with fucshia-pink ribbons, white gloves and pink boots. These are the magical girl clothes Mirai wears when she uses the Promin Fukumin.


Mirai is a cheery young girl living with her florist parents in Kirakira First Street. She's a kind-hearted girl who is one of Yuto's 4 friends along with Shuu, Nicole and Souma.



See: Mirai/List of Promins

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Mirai makes her debut in Zoo Panic!! as one of Yuto's classmates. Zoo Panic!!

Mirai was giving a customer some flowers when Bug-Railmin and Wanda dashed past her, causing the flowers to get blown off. The Rail Continues

Mirai has to patcipate at a singing competion along with Nicole. However, she got pocessed by Bug-Micmin. She was then rescued by Yuto. Later, Mirai does her entry in the singing competition by singing an emotional aria which makes both her mother and her father feel delighted. First Prize Of Kirakira Star

Mirai was worried about her father, Mr. Kohinata, who was suffocating from the bad smells manipulated by Bug-Sumerumin. Promin VS Promin

Mirai helped her relative Sakura look for her pet cat Momotaru. Wanda's Love Story

Mirai became a Kamiwaza Power-Shooter when she teams up with Wanda's friend Amazing. She captures and debugs Bug-Hasamin. Great's Secret

Mirai had troubles with her teammate Amazing. That was until Bug-Katasumin kidnaps Turbomin and Jetmin for the Bug Bytes to rebug. Later, Mirai summoned Fukumin who transformed her and Amazing into their magical girl selves. Mirai deals with Bug-Turbomin. Nice & Amazing

During the showdown against Don Bugdez's monstrous form, Mirai took a ride on Railmin's train. Bring Down Bugdez!

Mirai and her 2 friends Yuto and Shuu go on a space journey with their teammates Wanda, Nice and Amazing, as well as Masato's teammate Mighty, in order to unfreeze the Wonder-Star. Forever Wanda!

In the manga[]

Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)[]

Mirai made her debut in chapter 02 when Wanda shows her, Yuto and Shuu the Kamiwaza Pro-cards. Later, Mirai was having a barbeque with Shuu and his parents and Yuto. She, Mr. Tateishi, Mrs. Tateishi and Shuu were then trapped in a massive wildfire. That was until Yuto captures and debugs Bug-Chakkamin. With the wildfire gone, Mirai, Shuu and his parents, Yuto and Wanda enjoy their barbeque afterwards.

Mirai was seen in Mrs. Hina's classroom in chapter 06.

Mirai, along with Shuu, was getting chased by a lorry in chapter 12.

Mirai was seen in chapter 13 when Motemin gave her and Nicole her roses.

In the games[]

Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu[]

Mirai made her video-game debut as an NPC in the 3DS game Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu.

Mirai As When She Was Younger

A younger Mirai admiring the daisy.


  • Mirai is the fourth human character to become a Kamiwaza Power-Shooter, starting from episode 43. The first three being Yuto, Masato and Shuu.
    • She is also the first female Kamiwaza Power-Shooter in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise overall.
  • Mirai shares her surname with Miku who is a friend of Hibiki from an older-teen-oriented magical girl franchise 'Symphogear'.

In other languages[]

Language Character’s dub name
Korean 미래 (Milae)
Chinese 未來/未来 (Weilai)

Voice actors[]

For the voice actors who voice Mirai in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series in different languages, see: Mirai/List of voice actors


