Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

This is a list of all terms which occur in Kamiwaza Wanda.

For the Kamiwaza Wanda related media, see: List of Kamiwaza Wanda media


See: List of Kamiwaza Wanda monsters

Name Number in species (as of now) First introduced in season Notes
Promin 77 Kamiwaza Wanda (season) The good main monsters in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise.
Bugmin 77 Kamiwaza Wanda (season) The bad main monsters in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise
Fusion Promins 21 Kamiwaza Wanda (season) A Kamiwaza Shaker is required to fuse Promins and summon Fusion Promins.
Fact-Promins 6 Kamiwaza Wanda (season) Can be awakened with the Kamiwaza Shaker.
Other Promins 4 Kamiwaza Wanda (season) A list up of unclassified, unidentified and secret Promins.


See: List of Kamiwaza Wanda in-series items

Item name Type Purpose Known used in the series by
Kamiwaza Power-Shot Device Captures and debugs Bugmins; Summons Promins. See: Kamiwaza Power-Shooters
Kamiwaza Searcher Device Reveals Bugmins. Wanda
Kamiwaza Shaker Device Fuses Promins; Awakens Fact-Promins. Yuto, Masato
Kamiwaza File Storage Stores Kamiwaza Pro-cards. Yuto
Kamiwaza Pro-cards Collectable Promins take the form of these. See: Kamiwaza Power-Shooters
Wazawai Program Other Turns Promins into Bugmins. Terara, Mighty

Character roles[]

Character role name Number of characters with this role (as of now) First known character to have this role Purpose
Kamiwaza Power-Shooters 4 Yuto Collects Promins; Fights opponents' Promins and Bugmins with Promins.
Kamiwaza Teammates 4 Wanda Assists the Kamiwaza Power-Shooter.
Wazawai Program Holders 1 Terara Uses the Wazawai Program to turn Promins into Bugmins.
Promin buddies 4 Turbomin Serving as signiture Promins for the Kamiwaza Power-Stooters.


Attribute name Theme color Name meaning Fact-Promin Number of Promins in this attribute (as of now)
Norinori Orange 'Energetic' Rocketmin 14
Wakuwaku Turquoise 'Thrilling' Merrygomin 11
Hokkori Light-green 'Calming' Vacuumin 12
Kicchiri Dark-blue 'Clever' Dozermin 15
Punpun Pink 'Stubbon' Slicermin 13
Buruburu Purple 'Fearless' Metmin 12


Method name Description
Searching Searching and revealing Bugmins.
Capturing and debugging Capturing Bugmins and turning them into Promins.
Summoning Calling in Promins.
Rebugging Turning Promins into Bugmins.
Super training (method) Giving Promins some super training.
Fusing Merging 2 or 3 Promins together to create a Fusion Promin.

Villainous teams[]

Evil team name Master Introduced in season Introduced in manga Known members
The Bug Bytes Don Bugdez Kamiwaza Wanda (original season) Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series) Terara, Megaga, Gigaga


Name Good or bad Description
Kamiwaza ability Good Promins use these to help out people and other Promins.
Bugwaza ability Bad Bugmins use these to wreck havoc.

Promin appearances in story lists[]

Promin appearance list name Description
List of Promins in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime episodes A list of Promins that appear in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series.
List of Promins in the Kamiwaza Wanda manga chapters A list of Promins that appear in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise's manga line.

Bugmin appearances in story lists[]

Bugmin appearance list name Description
List of Bugmins in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime episodes A list of Bugmins that appear in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series.
List of Bugmins in the Kamiwaza Wanda manga chapters A list of Bugmins that appear in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise's manga line.


Family name Number of members Family pet? Main member in family Family's location
Kamiya family 4 Yes Yuto Hobby Kamiya
Kohinata family 3 No Mirai Kohinata Flower Shop
Tateishi family 3 No Shuu Tateishi Side Dish Store


Battle type Description First seen (in anime episode and manga chapter)
Promin VS Bugmin A battle between Promins and Bugmins. Zoo Panic!! (original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season), Chapter 01 (original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series)
Promin VS Promin (battle) A Battle between only Promins. Promin VS Promin (original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season), Chapter 07 (original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series)
Promin VS mysterious being A battle between Promins (possibly Fact-Promins) and mysterious beings such as Don Bugdez's monstrous form. Bring Down Bugdez! (original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season), Chapter 12 (original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series)

Promin-related profile terms[]

Promin-related term name No. of this term so far Introduced in season Term trait
Promin attributes 6 Kamiwaza Wanda (original season) A Promin attribute is a main Promin group.

Other Promin-related terms[]

Promin-related term name Term trait Term type Introduced in season
Bugmin Invasions Bugmins wreck havoc in a targeted location or planet. Event Kamiwaza Wanda (original season)
Promin universe Promins live in this universe. Location Kamiwaza Wanda (original season)