Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Kirakira Scrapyards (Japanese: キラキラスクレイパーズ Kirakira Scrapers) is a location featured in Kamiwaza Wanda. In there, Yuto and Yui meet up with Wanda for the first time.


Kirakira Scrapyards is a place known for scrapping decommissioned vehicles such as cars. It is also the place where Yuto and Yui met Wanda for the first time, even though Yui mistook Wanda is Wannosuke.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Kirakira Scrapyards was first seen in episode 1 when Yuto finds his sister Yui who went there to look for Wannosuke. When Yuto has found Yui and told her that Wannosuke has passed away, a Kamiwaza Pod crash-landed there and Wanda came out of it. Yuto was surprised and thought Wanda was an alien. When he sensed a Bugmin approaching, Wanda searched around Kirakira Scrapyard, whilst being chased by a scrap-car, and found Bug-Turbomin. Even though he had a struggle with Bug-Turbomin in order to capture and debug him, Wanda felt the pain on his shoulder and he fell down to the ground with his former Kamiwaza Power-Shot which was once broken and Yuto and Yui took Wanda to Hobby Kamiya which is their home.

In episode 3, Wanda went back to Kirakira Scrapyards to fetch his Kamiwaza Pod before taking it to Hobby Kamiya.


In other languages[]

Language Location’s dub name
Korean 반짝반짝 스크랩야드 (Banjjakbanjjak Scrapyards)




External Links[]
