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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Kirakira Burger (Japanese: キラキラバーガー) is a sub-location in Kamiwaza Wanda and a fast food restaurant located in Kirakira First Street. In one episode of the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season, Yuto and Wanda visit here whilst disguising as Kirakira Burger clerks.


Kirakira Burger is is building with large windows and automatic slide-doors, both decorated with lime-green lines. Next to the sliding doors is a sign with a list of different kinds of burgers with prices. Its sign above is colored bright-green with white writing with yellow outlines, yellow 5-point stars and a picture of a hamburger in the middle.

Inside, it has tables and chairs, where customers can sit and eat their ordered food if they choose to eat in, and a food-counter where clerks who work there serve food to the customers. Behind the counter is a kitchen where burgers and other fast food that's on Kirakira Burger's menu are made. Above the counter is a minty-green menu enlisting the burgers and other fast food served in Kirakira Burger as well as drinks.

Clerks who work in Kirakira Burger each wear black bottom-wear, a creamy-yellow shirt with green line and a green hat.

Purpose and characters seen at Kirakira Burger[]


Customers who are hungry come to Kirakira Burger and order their food there. They go towards the counter and ask the clerks, who work at Kirakira Burger, for their food orders. Once the customer's food orders are ready, the clerks serve them to the customers. Customers choose either to eat in or take out. Customers who decide to eat in can sit down on the chairs and consume their food orders on the tables at Kirakira Burger. Customers who decide to take out have their food orders served in take-out bags.

Characters seen at Kirakira Burger[]

Name Image Character type Does this character work at Kirakira Burger? Episodes
Unnamed female Kirakira Burger clerk
Kirakira Burger Clerk
Human Yes The Rail Continues
Bug Railmin
Bugmin (Bugmin ego of Railmin) No The Rail Continues
Wanda From 'Kamiwaza Wanda'
"-Star" citizen (Yuto's Kamiwaza Teammate) No (Wanda disguised himself as a Kirakira Burger clerk) The Rail Continues

Crying Sandwich!

Human (Kamiwaza Power-Shooter No (Yuto disguised himself as a Kirakira Burger clerk) Crying Sandwich!
Bug Sharimin
Bugmin (Bugmin ego of Sharimin) No Crying Sandwich!
Promin Burgemin
Promin Possibly (Burgemin can use his Kamiwaza ability to help out the Kirakira Burger clerks) Crying Sandwich!

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Inside Kirakira Burger (With Yuto And Wanda Disguising As Clerks)

Yuto and Wanda disguising themselves as clerks inside Kirakira Burger.

Kirakira Burger was first seen in episode 3 when Bug-Railmin and Wanda zoomed fast right through the place and past an unnamed female Kirakira Burger clerk. That female Kirakira Burger clerk then thanked Wanda for visiting Kirakira Burger.

Kirakira Burger was seen again in episode 7 when Yuto and Wanda disguise themselves as Kirakira Burger clerks by the time Bug-Sharimin entered there. After Wanda presented a Kamiwaza Pro-card on the tray, Yuto took off his disguise and summons Burgemin. Outside by the entrance of Kirakira Burger, Burgemin and Bug-Sharimin battle each other with their android robots until Burgemin and his android robot win the battle after Detokkusu Komatsu finds that the burger-sushi taste delicious. Facing defeat, Bug-Sharimin gets captured and debugged by Yuto.


  • This is the first known sub-location in Kirakira First Street to be classified as a restaurant instead of a shop.
  • Kirakira Burger is compared to many real-life fast food chains such as McDonald's and Burger King.

In other languages[]

Language Locations’s dub name
Korean 반짝반짝 버거 (Banjjakbanjjak Burger)

