Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia
Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Katasumin (Japanese: カタスミン) is a character Kamiwaza Wanda and a Promin. Her attribute is Punpun.



Katasumin is a lilac Promin holding a reddish-violet box-looking Promin, which acts as her head, with lime-yellow markings.

For her Bugmin ego, see: Bug-Katasumin

As a Bugmin, her markings and her box features are the same color which is red.


Katasumin is a clever and kind Promin who loves to clean up.


  • Yuto (current owner)
  • Great (master when Katasumin was a Bugmin)


Katasumin's Kamiwaza ability is to clean up terrible messes or ruined places. As a Bugmin, she can store anything she finds.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Katasumin first appeared as a Bugmin in episode 43 when she kidnaps some of the Promins under Yuto's ownership and some of the Promins under Masato's ownership and threw them into a strange closet. Every Promin Bug-Katasumin kidnaps gets rebugged by the Bug Bytes.

In episode 44, Katasumin was still a Bugmin. She kidnaps Turbomin, Jetmin, Burgemin and Sharimin and threw them into the strange closet for the Bug Bytes to rebug. Prior to the end of that episode, Bug-Katasumin kidnaps Gauzemin, Fukumin, Jishomin and Dancemin who were then rebugged by the Bug Bytes.

Bug-Katasumin was captured and debugged by Yuto in episode 45. Appearing as her Promin self, Katasumin was summoned by Yuto in order to help him, his rival Masato and his 2 friends Mirai and Shuu capture and debug all the Bugmins, who were rebugged so far, by confronting them with help from the remaining Promins. Bug-Gauzemin is the only Bugmin Katasumin and the remaining Promins missed out on confronting.

In episode 46, Katasumin used her closet to send in the other Promins in order to attack Don Bugdez's monstrous form.



  • Katasumin is one of the Promins who are cleaning-up experts. The other 2 being Brushmin and Deodomin.
  • Katasumin is one of the Promins who first appeared as a Bugmin in one episode and was then captured and debugged by Yuto in another episode. The other two being Fatmin and Liftmin.


  • Katasumin resembles a wardrobe in which she is holding.


  • In the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season, Katasumin assissted Great and the Bug Bytes on kidnapping and rebugging Promins as her Bugmin ego Bug-Katasumin until Yuto captured and debugged her in episode 45.
  • Katasumin is the last Promin to be seen newly captured and debugged as a Bugmin in the original anime season.
    • The last Bugmin to be seen recaptured and debugged in the original anime season is Bug-Gauzemin.

In other languages[]

Language Promin’s dub name Origin
Korean 정리본 (Jeongribon) Based on the word 'jeongri' (정리) which is Korean for 'cleanup'.
Chinese 整理精靈/整理精灵 (Zhenglijingling) Based on the word 'zhengli' (整理) which is Chinese for 'tidy'.


