Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

This article is about the performance of Kamiwaza Wanda in China.

Note: All the Chinese names of the characters and Promins on the Kamiwaza Wanda wiki use Standard Chinese or Mandarin pinyin. For those who want to see those Chinese names in Cantonese pinyin, please use a Chinese to Cantonese pinyin converter.


China is the third country in the world to see Kamiwaza Wanda and the second country to do so outside of Japan. Chinese subbed and dubbed versions of the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series are seen in China.

Chinese dub names of the characters and Promins in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise can be said in 3 dialects: Cantonese, Standard Chinese and Mandarin.

Kamiwaza Wanda in Hong Kong[]

The first area of China to see Kamiwaza Wanda is Hong Kong. Broadcastings of the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series on Hong Kong's ViuTV channel began on June 26, 2017, starting with the anime series' original season. The Kamiwaza Wanda anime series also broadcasts on the HOYTV channel as well.

There are 2 versions of the Hong Kong broadcastings of Kamiwaza Wanda: one of them is the original Japanese version with the Chinese subtitles and the other is the Chinese dubbed version.

'Kamiwaza Wanda' Hong Kong Poster

Hong Kong's poster of the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series.

Hong Kong's Chinese dubbed version of the Kamiwaza Wanda anime has the characters speaking the Chinese language with Cantonese dialects.

The title of the series is also translated in both Traditional and Simplified Chinese under the name 'Super Wanda'.

Kamiwaza Wanda in other parts of China[]

Kamiwaza Wanda is also distributed in other parts of China such as Macau and Beijing. Some of China's areas have the Chinese language in Cantonese dialects while other areas of China have the Chinese language in Mandarin and Standard Chinese dialects.

in Beijing, Kamiwaza Wanda is distributed on the LeTV streaming service.

In Macau, HOYTV distributes Kamiwaza Wanda, starting in September 28, 2022 with the original season.


  • In both Chinese subbed and dubbed versions of Kamiwaza Wanda, all the Promins and their Bugmin counterparts have Chinese dub names. Also in the Chinese dub, the Promins are called 'Projingling' (普洛精靈/普洛精灵), meaning 'program creature', while the Bugmins are called 'Progwaai' (普洛怪), meaning 'program monster'. (See: List of Promins with Chinese dub names and List of Bugmins with Chinese dub names)
  • China is the first known country to distribute the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise without any merchandise.

