Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

The Kamiwaza Wanda (Japanese: カミワザ・ワンダ) manga line is a range of manga titles that are to do with the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise. It began spawning manga titles of the franchise in 2016. Kamiwaza Wanda manga titles are published by Shogakukan.

For the chapters in the manga line overall, see: List of Kamiwaza Wanda manga chapters

Main series manga[]

Starting from Spring 2016, Shogakukan publishes the main series manga titles for the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise. The first main series manga of the franchise is the self-titled original manga series which was first created by Chihiro Okitsune and published on Corocoro Ichiban.

More Kamiwaza Wanda main series manga titles will be announced in the future.

List of main series manga titles[]

Main series title Image Manga creator No. of chapters No. of volumes
Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)
'Kamiwaza Wanda' Manga Volume 1 Cover
Chihiro Okitsune 13 3

Spin-off manga[]

Starting from February 2016, Shogakukan publishes spin-off manga titles for the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise. The first spin-off manga of the franchise is Kamiwaza Wanda: Mysterious Joker Promin Stories which was first created by Maeda-kun and published on Corocoro Comic Special.

More spin-off manga titles of Kamiwaza Wanda are yet to be announced in the future.

Spin-off title Image Manga creator Spin-off type No. of chapters No. of volumes
Kamiwaza Wanda: Mysterious Joker Promin Stories
'Kamiwaza Wanda Mysterious Joker Promin Stories' Logo
Maeda-kun 4-koma 6 TBA

