Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Kamiwaza Teammates (Japanese: カミワザチームメイト Kamiwaza Chīmumeito) are the non-human teammates in Kamiwaza Wanda. They assist the Kamiwaza Power-Shooters.


Kamiwaza Teammates are companions to the Kamiwaza Power-Shooters. Each Kamiwaza Teammate is based on either an animal or a mythical creature. For example: Wanda, a titlar character from the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise, is based on a dog.

A Kamiwaza Teammate starts out as an ordinary "-Star" citizen from another planet. The ordinary citizen then goes down to Earth to meet up with an ordinary person. Upon arriving there, the "-Star" citizen then does an arrival pose. (Which is also Wanda's trademark pose.) Whoever meets that citizen from another planet will become a Kamiwaza Power-Shooter and that citizen from another planet will become a Kamiwaza Teammate.

Kamiwaza Teammates are good at sensing out Bugmins. When a Bugmin is nearby, the Kamiwaza Teammate takes out their Kamiwaza Searcher to reveal it.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

The first 4 Kamiwaza Teammates in the series are introduced in the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season, including the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise's titular character Wanda. All 4 of which are based on dogs.

Wanda first became a Kamiwaza Teammate in episode 1 after he was rescued by Yuto and his sister Yui and recovered from his injuries following a successful attempt to capture and debug Bug-Turbomin in the Kirakira Scrapyards. He later began assisting Yuto when he helped him deal with Bug-Tonkamin.

Prior to his debut in episode 20, Mighty arrived on Earth and became a Kamiwaza Teammate when he meets up with Masato at the Kirakira Hospital entrance.

Wanda's 2 friends, Nice and Amazing, become Kamiwaza Teammates during the strange closet incident in episode 43 when they assist Shuu and Mirai after arriving on Earth.

In the manga[]

Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)[]

The first 2 Kamiwaza Teammates in the manga line are introduced in the original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series, including the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise's titular character Wanda. Both of which are based on dogs.

Wanda first became a Kamiwaza Teammate after arriving on Earth in chapter 01 when he assisted Yuto who is dealing with Bug-Turbomin.

Prior to his debut in chapter 06, Mighty arrived on Earth and became a Kamiwaza Teammate when he meets up with Masato at the Kirakira Hospital entrance.

Though they both debuted in the original manga series' 13th and final chapter, the 2 Wonder-Star citizens from the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series, Nice and Amazing, have not yet become Kamiwaza Teammates until the next Kamiwaza Wanda manga series.

In the games[]

Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu[]

Only one Kamiwaza Teammate made his debut in the 3DS game Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu. That Kamiwaza Teammate is Wanda and he supports the player, who controls Yuto, in the game.

List of Kamiwaza Teammates[]

Name Image Gender Theme color Kamiwaza Teammate of... Debut in episode
Wanda From 'Kamiwaza Wanda'
Male White


'An Emissary From The Wonder-Star'
Mighty From 'Kamiwaza Wanda'
Male Black
Masato From 'Kamiwaza Wanda'


'Black Kamiwaza Shot'
Nice From 'Kamiwaza Wanda' (Screencap)
Male Sea-green
Shuu From 'Kamiwaza Wanda'


'Great's Secret'
Amazing From 'Kamiwaza Wanda' (Screencap)
Female Yellow
Mirai From 'Kamiwaza Wanda'



  • So far as of the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season, only all 4 of the dog-based Wonder-Star citizens became Kamiwaza Teammates.
  • In the very first episode of the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series, Kamiwaza Teammate Wanda used to be a Kamiwaza Power-Shooter himself until his Kamiwaza Power-Shot became damaged after he captured and debugged Bug-Turbomin.
  • Due to their motifs, some Kamiwaza Teammates were once mistaken as actual family pets by either the families of the Kamiwaza Power-Shooters or the Kamiwaza Power-Shooters themselves. For example: Yui, a member of the Kamiya family once mistook her brother's Kamiwaza Teammate Wanda for a replacement family pet dog named "Wannosuke" until she says Wanda's name in episode 10 of the original anime season. Also, during one of her flashbacks in episode 44 of that said season, Mirai once mistook her Kamiwaza Teammate Amazing for a family pet dog.

In other languages[]

Language Character role's dub name
Korean 파워캐치 팀매테 (Power-Catch Teammate)
Chinese 超能隊友/超能队友 (Super Teammate)

