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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Don Bugdez (Japanese: ドン・バグデス Don Bagudesu) is one of the main villains in Kamiwaza Wanda. He is the main antagonist in the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season and he's known for his evil spell on the Wonder-Star.

Prior to the beginning of the anime series' original season, Don Bugdez was first awakened from the corruption of the systems in the Wonder-Labs and brainwashed Great, who created him by accident, before casting his evil spell.



Don Bugdez is a dark spirit in the sky. He's huge and dark-purple with glowing red eyes.

In the original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series, Don Bugdez appears to have a mouth unless he's in his monstrous form.

Don Bugdez's monstrous form[]

Don Bugdez's monstrous form is huge like his original spirit self. He has a light-purple body with grey armor and glowing red eyes.


Don Bugdez is an evil spirit and is also some kind of a gigantic spellcaster. His plan is to see the ultimate evolution of the chaos on Earth. He sometimes checks on what the Bug Bytes (Terara, Megaga and Gigaga) are doing.

Don Bugdez waits in his own dimension.


In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Don Bugdez made his debut in the beginning of episode 1 when he looks at his arch-nemesis the Wonder-King. When his archnemesis, puts the Wonder-Star in ice, Don Bugdez then fled to Earth where he began to plan: To see the chaos evolve to its ultimate level.

In the beginning of episode 2, Don Bugdez awakens Terara, Megaga and Gigaga by transforming them from their toy-selves. He then told the Bug Bytes about his plan on evolving the chaos to its ultimate level and the Bug Bytes agree.

In episode 9, Don Bugdez was mad at the Bug Bytes because of Yuto capturing and debugging the Bugmins.

Don Bugdez appears both physical and in a flashback in episode 21.

In episode 34, Don Bugdez appears inside an air-vent when he told the Bug Bytes to continue on what they should be doing.

In episode 35, Don Bugdez had a word with the Bug Bytes.

In episode 42, Masato tried to fight Don Bugdez using Metmin and Dozermin but failed.

In episode 43, Don Bugdez hired the Wonder-Star's mad scientist Great as his new henchman. In a flashback on the same episode, it is revealed that Don Bugdez was first awakened from the corruption of the systems, including the Mother Computer, in the Wonder-Labs and he brainwashed his accidental creator Great who was once an ordinary Wonder-Star scientist.

Don Bugdez appeared at the end of episode 44.

Deciding to evolve the Earth's corruption to its ultimate level all by himself, Don Bugdez transformed into his monstrous form in episode 45.

In episode 46, in his monstrous form, Don Bugdez was attacked by both the Promins and the Fact-Promins until he was defeated by Wonder-Promin. Don Bugdez returned to his original form afterwards.

Due to his fate, Don Bugdez makes his final appearance in episode 47 when he got blasted by the Fact-Promins' attacks.

In the manga[]

Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)[]

Prior to the original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series, Don Bugdez was awakened from the corruptions of the Wonder-Star's systems.

Don Bugdez made his debut in chapter 01 when he casted a spell on the Wonder-Star, causing it to be invaded by Bugmins. Seeing some of the Bugmins being trapped in ice, Don Bugdez fled to Earth where he began his plan: To try and dominate the Earth, by evolving the chaos there to its ultimate level, with Bugmins.

Don Bugdez made a cameo appearance in chapter 07.

In chapter 10, Don Bugdez appeared at the Tokyo Science Museum along with the Bug Bytes.

In chapter 11, Masato tried to fight Don Bugdez using his Promins but failed.

Don Bugdez changed into his monstrous form in chapter 12 after the Fact-Promins began attacking him.

Don Bugdez made his final appearance in chapter 13 when he, in his monstrous form and all, was confronted and gone for good by Wonder-Promin.

In the games[]

Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu[]

Don Bugdez made his only video-game appearance as an NPC in the 3DS game Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu. He was first seen at the start of the game when he meets up with his arch nemesis The Wonder-King.

In the main quest 'Don Bugdez Appears!', Don Bugdez took control of the Bugmin Bug-Jetmin. That was until Bug-Jetmin was defeated by the Promins and then captured and debugged by Yuto.

Later, in an unknown main quest, Don Bugdez created a charged-up clone of Bug-Jetmin which Yuto and Wanda have to confront.


  • Don Bugdez is the first main antagonist in the Kamiwaza Wanda series.
  • Don Bugdez is the second character to make his final appearance in the original Kamiwaza Wanda anime season and the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series overall. The first one being Great.
  • In Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu, Don Bugdez's plan to see the chaos evolve to its ultimate level is absent. Instead, Don Bugdez has a different plan in that game: To dominate Earth by running a Bugmin army with help from his henchmen the Bug Bytes.
    • Don Bugdez's monstrous form is also absent in Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu.
  • A villain from the 2020's manga, 'Qureo: Programing Challengers', has a similar appearance to Don Bugdez.
    • 'Skylanders Academy' cartoon antagonist Strykore, in his sealed form as of the cartoon's first 2 seasons, also has a similar appearance to Don Bugdez.

In other languages[]

Language Character’s dub name
Korean 버그데스 (Bugdez)
Chinese 頓 · 巴格迪斯/顿 · 巴格迪斯 (Don Bugdez)

Voice actors[]

For the voice actors who voice Don Bugdez in the Kamiwaza Wanda anime series in different languages, see: Don Bugdez/List of voice actors

