Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Corocoro Ichiban (Japanese: コロコロイチバン!) is a Japanese monthly children's manga magazine published by Shogakukan. It is known for publishing the main manga series for the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise, starting with the original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series.

List of Kamiwaza Wanda publications on Corocoro Ichiban[]

Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)[]

The original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series is the first main manga series in the Kamiwaza Wanda franchise and the first Kamiwaza Wanda publication on Corocoro Ichiban. It is about Yuto, a Kamiwaza Power-Shooter, who goes on an adventure with his Kamiwaza Teammate Wanda, capturing and debugging Bugmins and collecting Promins. The original Kamiwaza Wanda manga series lasted from 2016 to 2017 with a total of 13 chapters.


  • Corocoro Comic Special, another Japanese children's manga magazine, is the sister comic to Corocoro Ichiban.
  • Corocoro Ichiban is one of the Japanese children's manga magazines Shogakukan has launched in the 2000's decade with 'Puchigumi' being the other one.

