Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

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Kamiwaza Wanda Wikia

Bug-Zuzumin (Japanese: バグズーズミン) is a character in Kamiwaza Wanda and a Bugmin. He is the Bugmin ego of Zuzumin.



Bug-Zuzumin resembles his Promin counterpart Zuzumin but however, he is a Bugmin. Bug-Zuzumin has a black body, a red ram's-skull-like helmet, a grey whistle on his mouth, red markings and a grey whip-resembling right hand. His eyes and the helmet's eyes are the same color which is green.


Bug-Zuzumin is a cruel and arrogant Bugmin.


  • Other Bugmins (companions)


Bug-Zuzumin's Bugwaza ability is to bring animals into silly places such as Nicole's radio station.

In the series[]

Kamiwaza Wanda[]

Episode 10 is the only original season episode Bug-Zuzumin appeared in. Zuzumin, who was kidnapped by Bug-Liftmin along with Kagimin, Denkyumin, Dorirumin, Chakkamin, Freezemin, Jaguchimin, Micmin, Gakkimin, Eishamin, Burgemin, Sharimin and Jishomin, was rebugged by the Bug Bytes along with them. Later, Bug-Zuzumin was recaptured and debugged by Yuto with Wanda's teamwork after capturing and debugging Bug-Jetmin along with Bug-Kagimin, Bug-Dorirumin, Bug-Denkyumin, Bug-Burgemin, Bug-Sharimin, Bug-Eishamin, Bug-Chakkamin, Bug-Freezemin, Bug-Micmin, Bug-Gakkimin, Bug-Jishomin and Bug-Liftmin.

In the manga[]

Kamiwaza Wanda (original manga series)[]

Bug-Zuzumin made his debut when his Promin counterpart, Zuzumin, was rebugged in chapter 03 after Bug-Liftmin kidnapped him. Bug-Zuzumin was recaptured and debugged by Yuto in chapter 04.

In the games[]

Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu[]

Bug-Zuzumin made his video-game debut in the 3DS game Kamiwaza Wanda: Kirakira Ichibangai Kikiippatsu. Yuto defeats, captures and debugs him in an unnamed side quest.

Bug-Zuzumin is also one of the Bugmins who can be battled outside quests.



  • Bug-Zuzumin is the Bugmin ego of Zuzumin.
  • Bug-Zuzumin is the first known Bugmin in the anime to break wind.


  • Bug-Zuzumin resembles an animal-tamer.


In other languages[]

Language Bugmin’s dub name
Korean 바그주주본 (Bug-Jujubon)
Chinese 馴獸怪/驯兽怪 (Xunshougwaai)


